Not suitable for people with irony deficiency and
cannot guarantee nut-free

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Sussex-Full Weekend*

A couple of weeks ago we spent a lovely weekend with our lovely friends  in their lovely house in lovely rural Sussex (can I write for Hello magazine now please?)

Their house which dates from medieval and Tudor times is full of  interesting and eye-catching details.

Like this chimney and half-timbering.

And there are lots of beams inside.

This is the sitting room.  Our friends lived in Shanghai for a while, hence the striking Chinese art.

I love the colours of this vase.

And these tiles around the fireplace in the guest bedroom are charming.

The basins are from China too. 

This is an old bread oven.

The fireplace in the sitting room gives away our friends' past in the Royal Navy.  I used the sword to force Mr B up the aisle at our wedding Mr B and I used the sword to cut the cake at our wedding.


This made me laugh - on the wall in the loo.

K and S, thank you for a great weekend and thank you for letting me show bits of your home on the old blog.

*Not, Sex Full, no, that would be rude, Successful, geddit? Yes I know these puns are just ghastly but it's my blog and I'll pun if I want to.


  1. Thanks for the peek! I adore snooping around other people's homes.

  2. That is a nifty house. And I particularly appreciate the little glimpse at Mr. and Mrs. B.:)

  3. you were not kidding, you really did use the lovely sword to cut the cake! what a lovely home and what lovely friends. you are so lovely yourself. hello!


  4. Should I mention I'm just old enough to remember those lavatory coin contraptions from childhood outings in old Sydney town. Of course this must be were the phrase 'to spend a penny originated'?
    Pun to your hearts content darhling.

  5. You are the queen of puns, Blighty my dear.

    What a lovely home your friends have. I'm glad to hear the weekend was a hit!

    K xx

  6. Annie - yes I remember them too! xx

  7. That looks like a seriously beautiful home and a wonderful place for a weekend (of sex or otherwise!). I too am half-timbered, but of the mock-Victorian variety. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But also the most stalkerish, I think.

    I need a sword.


  8. Hi Ali, in the wedding pic Mr B is in fact trying to wrest the sword from my grip, the cake is just incidental.

  9. Pun away, I am with Alison, there are days you just need a sword.

  10. Dear Mrs Blighty, I do like the image of you encouraging Mr Blighty up the aisle. I don't think our husbands understand how much is done For Their Own Good. I had to apply elbow to throat in the case of Mr LiC and say that if he did not marry me, I was going to become an international terrorist. Mr LiC is nothing if not self-sacrificing. Your friends' house is truly lovely but I would have been nervous about the close proximity of small active children and all the beautiful Chinese pottery. I would have been hissing the whole weekend. love Lindaxxx PS no one puns as well as you.


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