Saturday 9 June 2012

Blighty in Paris

Dahlings, I've just had a mini break  in Paris with Mr B and the boys.

Here's a list of things our trip did not involve:
Louis Vuitton
Rue Cambon
Place Vendome

Here are some of the things it did offer us:
grumpy waiters
strictly regulated grass
some famous painting or other

Cimetiere de Montparnasse

Louvre with cranes

Spot of rain in Montmartre

Jardins de Luxembourg - pelouse interdite

Jardins de Luxembourg - pelouse autorisee

Pompy Poo Centre (as referred to by Boys 1 and 2)

Mrs B carries out impromptu nit check at top of L'Arc de Triomphe

Mr B goes all arty with the camera

It was great fun, we had a lot of laughs - some at my expense after I dragged everyone to the Telegraphe metro station as I had read on the internet there were great views from there.  We arrive - yes, we are high up, views no, as we are surrounded by buildings.  I imagine some geeks from MIT caught us on their net cam  - "yay, Eric, we got some more losers who fell for the old Telegraph Metro joke.."

And the whole trip was not in vain either from an educational point of view - once we got home, Boy 2 modestly ventured that he could actually speak some French - and rattled off,
"Peux-je aller aux toilettes, s'il vous plait Madame?"
My bosom swelleth, as they say.


  1. Hello dear Blighty - Paris in the Spring, eh? But you saw some lovely things! I adore your red jeans - you look very trim and positively Parisian. Pompey Poo Centre is brilliant - it will never be anything else to me! xxx

    1. Hi there Mrs E! Paris seems like a world away now, back to nit control...

  2. I wonder if you know how timely your post is. I saw Paris on my blogroll and thought you were part of the party that Anita from Castles, Crowns & Cottages is holding. A virtual gathering in Paris. Oh no, you had to actually go there - show off - there's always one :-)

    I must get over there soon. All this reading about it has whet my appetite! It looks like you had a good time. I fell victim to the cam scam in Boston once. Must have looked a real idiot standing in the street waving at a web cam!

    1. Hi Yonks - what party? I missed a party? noooooo!

  3. How FAB. We are booking our Paris stay as we speak. Just around the corner from the Eiffel Tower! I hope that by that stage Baby G will be as fluent in French as Boy 2. I doubt it though. She's good but not that good.

    K xx

    1. Miss Kitty - how fab you are going to Paris with le bebe, have a lovely time xx

  4. Sorry about the weather, that can't have improved your trench foot ! xxx

  5. Blighty, I just saw I'm on your reading list ! Thank you, thank you ! Bisous, bisous !

    1. Yes weather was a bit mixed, but Paris is just so fabulous, I am now sulking at being back at home.. had to get you on my blog roll but had a bit of trouble with your fancy -----heading----!!

  6. And I thought you'd gone swanning off to the Bahamas. In Paris, even the nits are grumpy.

    1. Hi Wally, we found the most brilliantly grumpy waiter ever, he was great....a masterful combination of world weariness and utter disdain when I dared asked for some milk for my tea the third time...

  7. Lucky you! It looks cold there though. Je suis parle le francais un peu. Where did you stay? Hubby and I are talking about going there.

    1. Hi Debs, we stayed in the Novotel Les Halles which is right in the centre, a big hotel, not cute, more business style, but clean and no hassle; Les Halles is a complete building site at the moment so we had a great view of building site plus cranes but it was quiet and did the trick for us..easy to get around from there and you can walk to the Louvre and the Pompidou Centre easily xx

  8. Replies
    1. you have to take the nits, otherwise it's animal cruelty; nits are very cultured you know, they particularly like post Impressionist paintings..

    2. You nit, I mean nut.

  9. I wondered where you had been. I do love your posts.

    Sadly I will not be getting further than London for this year's holiday.

    Still, it is a long way 'darn sarf' as they say.

  10. Jealous :)

    I'm hopeless at French so am surmising the sign depicts only certain hours the grass can be walked/sat/laid on?

  11. Pompy-poo centre...ahhhaaahahahhha! So true.
    Loved this one almost as much as pink loo cleaner. xo Nicola

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