Sunday 20 May 2012

Liebster Loving

Dahlings, exciting times! New blogger on the block, The Silver Bunny, has very kindly given me a Liebster blogger award.

Thank you so much Silver Bunny, I am very touched (weeping in Gwyneth Paltrow Oscar speech way, but without the pale pink dress..)

I have just recently discovered The Silver Bunny blog and love it. Silver Bunny is French/Italian and lives in Paris - check out her latest post on Carla Bruni, lots of photos!  Inscrivez-vous a ce site toute de suite! (I think I may just have asked you all where the nearest pharmacy is..)

I now have the honour of passing this award on to FIVE other bloggers who have less than 200 followers and whose blogs I really enjoy.  So I choose:
  1. Mrs Exeter
  2. Ali of Hestia's Larder
  3. Melusine of Prosecco and Pearls
  4. Debs of Loyalist Cottage
  5. Maggie at the wonderfully named Unibrow

There's  a catch - you have to do the following:
1. Thank the person who nominated you
2. Link back to the blogger who nominated you
3. Copy and paste the blog award on to your blog
4. Nominate and pass on the award to FIVE other bloggers who have less than 200 followers
5. Let them know the happy tidings by posting on their blog

Right, I'm off to marry a lead singer of a band and name my kids after fruit.


  1. Congratulations Blights.
    You are a million times more entertaining then the diva in the pink frock.
    (dear God why did she not haul the bodice up a touch)

  2. Hi nice to meet you,came through Silver Bunny, why oh why didn't I think of the fruit thing when I was naming my kids. Congrats on the award

  3. Thanks Blightser! How can you be so skinny after bearing fruit???

  4. mucho love and congrats my dear. now i'm off too read who silver bunny is!

  5. Why stop at fruit, name some flour and eggs and you can have a fruitcake family. Ha ha I amuse myself some days. Deb

  6. Thanks for all the traffic, Blighty, now they're all knocking at my door. If only I could find those Twigglets to go with the apéritif !

  7. woohoo thank you Blighty!!!! Most kind! I don't know a couple of those bloggers, so shall scoot off and make myself acquainted with them. And The Silver Bunny, of course!

    Ali x

  8. Give them an affliction and you could be making future blues singers such as Blind Lemon Higginbotham or One legged Kiwi Arkwright. I'm off to find a silver bunny.

  9. Thanks so much Blighty! I feel very honoured to have my first award (and from my favourite follower ;) ).

    And I agree with Red Roses - that bodice really did not fit!

    Melusine x

    1. PS: I meant to say that not only is it lovely having the award, it's also great finding new blogs to read!

  10. Dear Mrs Blighty, Very warm congratulations from Chile! It is a very well deserved award and quite likely the first of many. Poor Gwyneth - she did look as if she hadn't had a good feed in some time. love Lindaxxx

  11. Thank you so much dear Blighty - love that pic of Gwyneth (one of Sulky Kitten's favourite Oscar moments I'm sure). I will have a look at the other blogs you've passed the award on to! xxx

  12. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! I am a bit busy as it is our last week of school here (groan) but I will post this to my blog as soon as I can! I weep tears of joy!!!

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