Sunday 20 July 2014

Donner und Blitzen and Expert Dog Training

Hello Dahlings!
Sunday afternoon here so have sneaked off to update you all on life at Blighty HQ.

We have had a mini heatwave here and then tremendous thunderstorms and lightning - Donner und Blitzen.  No, not the reindeer Mr B.  Ha ha, Mr B, ha ha.

So my cheapo Primark dress appeared on its annual, one day outing.

I may have mentioned I contracted serious Scarf Fever but this hot weather makes wearing a scarf impossible.  Finally I understand the lamenting of the ladies on the Purse Forum about this, yes Mr B there is such a thing as a Purse Forum and yes Mr B, First World Problem par excellence.

I can't even wear this scarf which would really be appropriate.

I confess I saw Faux Fuchsia looking divine in it on her blog so when I saw it in a different colourway on Evil Bay I snapped it up.  

I had to buy it, it has not only zebras but also giraffes on it.

Here's Faux Fuchsia modelling her scarf, see it's all her fault!  Dear FF, sorry to be a copy parrot, hope this is not too Single White Female!! Please don't tell Mrs Danvers.

Meanwhile both boys are now on hols, Boy 1 had to endure 2 more weeks at his school, while Boy 2 already on hols lived the dream of the Single Child.  He set himself a personal challenge to eat a ham and cheese toastie at Costa Coffee every day for a week.  Here he is on day 4 going for broke with 2 of them.  After this I am afraid I called time on this ruinously expensive carry on and suggested he did the summer reading challenge instead like all the other kids.

I know it's only early on in the summer hols but I am quite tempted to try trading one or both of the boys in,  in return for this brand new tiptop executive home on sale in our road.  

But don't worry, I am keeping the Monty Dog.  We are in advanced preparation for our debut in the Commonwealth Games, high jump.  Next thing you know, I will have made a top dog training video, Training for Success.  Cesar Milan, eat your heart out!

Better go, we are now experiencing a slight domestic hiccup: Mr B has run over the dog stake out line (complete with corkscrew stake thingie) with the mower - all of the line/corkscrew metal thing is now wrapped around the blades, it is probs curtains for the mower.  And for the line.

  Mr B tentatively suggested, to look on the bright side, that it was a good job the dog was not attached to it at the time.  I may have said something like "You and that bl**dy mower."  As you do.


  1. Love the scarf but wearing it in this mug hinese would require a drip! But let's enjoy it while it lasts!

    1. Such odd weather - so unusual! Love the heat but not the mugginess, like walking through tepid soup..

  2. Oh no not more traumas at Blighty Towers. I am impressed with Mr B's tactics on the new lawn mower replacement.

    1. You will be relieved to hear that Mr B managed to extract the dog line thing from the mower blades and it seems to be still working. So he is stuck with this mower until he comes up with another

  3. Zebras + Giraffes? What a gorgeous scarf, and now you have the dilemma we have 8 months of the year: too hot to wear it! I am in scarf heaven these days while we have our 5 minutes of genuine Winter - Hurrah! I see Boy 2 has reached the boy stage we called 'bottomless pit'. I used to fill the supermarket trolley with cheap noodles and frozen party foods, just to fill 'em up.

  4. Boy1 loves those cheap noodles, I buy trays of them! Frozen party food is a brilliant idea xxx

  5. My suppressed laughter is making my throat tickle as I am lying next to someone who is sleeping:).

  6. Well as least your mower won't run away!

  7. Dear Blighty
    Are you OK? Worried that you have not blogged recently.
    Come back soon.


My post is all Norma No Mates, cheer her up by commenting!