Friday 13 June 2014

Monty Dog goes on minibreak and so does Boy 2

Last week Monty Dog went on a Luxury Minibreak in the heart of the Chilterns, near Tring.  We are going on hols in the summer and Monty can't come with, so he is going to stay at this very upmarket dog hotel.  Last week was his try out. Look at how lovely the room is where the dogs sleep and relax. I am not joking, there are day care nurseries for kids which are not as nicely appointed; I should know, I put Boys 1 and 2 in them when they were evil toddlers...

 Each dog gets his own individual bay to sleep in, there is a hose down area to freshen up after muddy walks and even CCTV to check on them at night.

 The countryside is lovely, this is the view from the garden.

The lady is just starting up her dog boarding business.  She is lovely, has her own dog Harvey and is an expert in dog training and behaviour.

Here are the details in case anyone is interested. 

I was relieved that the try out went ok and Monty did not do this to the dog hotel sofa..

I had to laugh as I drove Monty home, only a mile or so from his luxury dog hotel we passed the gates of this place.  I do in fact wonder whether I didn't get a bit muddled and left him at Champneys by mistake...

 Meanwhile the intrepid Boy 2 was on his own minibreak, a 4 day sailing trip with Daphnes4Boyz at Weymouth and Swanage, in Dorset.

They had lovely weather.

 I am very excited to get him back later today, though I expect he will be very tired, very grumpy and possibly a bit smelly...

He may have grown a beard , started smoking a pipe and become a hardened sea dog. 

In other news, I have invested in a new pair of willies* wellies.  Remember my Hunters I bought from Selfridges BD (Before Dog)?

  Every dog walker you meet will tell you Hunters are Not What They Used to Be (dark mutterings about being Made in China and being a mere fashion accessory..) Apparently Aigle Parcours are now Where It is At. 

For me the clincher is the pic of the exhausted dog next to the Aigle clad owner...

Right I am off to collect the fragrant Boy 2.  Boy 1, who has been living the dream (Single Child) is not going to be happy, he hoped I'd forget...also I have to tell Boy 1 that Monty dog has chewed yet another set of X Box headphones....have a nice weekend everyone, mine could be a bit lively!

*Dammit Blogger, stop auto correcting! You will get us both in trouble.


  1. Wow that is a fantastic doggy hotel.. Have you thought about booking in yourself and sending Monty dog on holiday with Mr B and the boys??

  2. Well now you mention it, I did enquire about availability in July..

  3. You are such a wag Blighty. So glad you are back.
    Cindy F

    1. Thank you for your lovely commet Cintdy x

  4. Think I'll book myself into BrackenFields next time we are in England.. It is certainly superior to the local Pet Motel to which we consigned our late lamented little dogger.
    School camp has become a 4 day sailing trip? Oh to be young again...

    1. Yes Brackenfields is fab, I did ask if I could book to go there for a quiet nap now and again. They had great weather for the sailing trip which really made the whole trip

  5. That is one posh dog hotel!
    So glad you are back Blighty and recovered from the serpent scare.

    1. Hi Charlie and me, thanks for dropping by, no more snake sightings, thank goodness.

  6. Is Monty one of those 'posh dogs' of which they speak in the latest M&S advert? [one for the Brits there!]

    Hunter wellies used to be based in Dumfries, near to me. I have a red pair which remind me of the red wellies I used to have as a child. It's true; they are everywhere now. I am so yesterday! Sic transit gloria mundi.

    1. I do not know this M&S ad of which you speak, will go on YouTube to find out. Sorry to hear about Gloria......

  7. Dear Mrs Blighty, You know how much the word 'minibreak' sets me thinking of ginormous undies and louche men à la Bridget Jones's Diary. love Lindaxxx

    1. Yes I so loved the word minibreak in Bridget Jones, I have never got over it. I find it hilarious.


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