Saturday 7 June 2014

From Our Paris Correspondent

Dahlings, these photos are hot off the press from my friend O, in Paris.

I just know you diehard Royalists will love these (Faux Fuchsia, I am thinking of you).

O was standing only a few metres away, he could have thrown a moped or a young French actress at old President Hollande.

Doesn't old Queenie look adorable in her pink bonbon number? And the Duke of Edinburgh, what a class act.

What does the man have in that black attache case?  Nuclear codes? Letters of last resort?  Moped drivers manuals?

O also has a fabulous Twitter account, which is retweeted by that world famous museum, the Louvre. 

Please take a look, he posts the most wonderful photos he takes of Louvre works of art. He has a really great eye for detail and for bringing artworks to life.  Now and again, I leave a really stupid comment, which I expect he really appreciates!!!

Right must go, off to see if I can get an audition with M. Hollande. Vroom, vroom!


  1. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog! Lovely photo's of your Queen!

    Happy weekend,

    Madelief x

    1. Hi Madelief, I love your blog, so glad to have found it through the Hattats

  2. Doesn't the queen have the most lovely skin!

  3. Yes she really looks good, doesn't she? Good genes.

  4. Love those naughty cherubs!

    1. Just an average day at pre-school playgroup

  5. The Queen looked beautiful in that pink number; I noticed she celebrated her birthday in Paris. As we'd all like to do...

    1. Ooh, a birthday in Paris, how lovely (hint, hint Mr B)

  6. Dear Mrs Blighty, My Youngest and I were just visiting Old Parliament House where she did the treasure hunt thingy in 10 minutes flat. However, there was a lovely exhibition of when the Queen visited (more than once). One forgets how fresh and young she was. They played her speech to parliament and it was quite touching. Anyway, my Youngest is quite cross because she has (through this educational experience) discovered that the Royal Coat of Arms for the United Kingdom has a unicorn. A unicorn, mummy! She thinks we were ripped off with our Kangaroo and Emu. Possibly we should have gone with a Bunyip! love Lindaxxx

    1. Tell your youngest that a kangaroo and emu are very very cool as to us they are very exotic; a unicorn is just a pony with a stick of rock on its head and also imaginary.. what is a bunyip - off to google it now


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