Monday 22 October 2012

Mrs Blighty Pin Up Girl

Gratuitous pic of satsumas; does not count as one of your 5 a day
Yes dahlings it's true!  I have been busy with my pin up work.

But not page 3.  Don't worry, I haven't got my satsumas out - they only come out at Christmas (as long as the central heating is on).

No, my latest obsession is Pinterest. 

It's basically sticking pics in an on-line scrapbook and the way I do it, an utterly mindless activity, so of course I love it, sooooo relaxing.

I sit "pinning" fashion pics like a demented zombie, happy as a clam, while all around me things go horribly wrong - the other night, for example, Boy 1 decided to venture upon his maiden voyage around a tin of peaches with the can opener.  Result: sudden tsunami of peach syrup due to unfortunate pressure on lid....Grandma Whacker who came into the kitchen to investigate is then stuck to the floor; strangely, the spilt juice  had the opposite effect on Boy 2 who managed to skid into the fridge door.... and as the bodies piled up, I carried on regardless, with a happy smile, pinning and writing earth shattering captions like "brown and black"*.  Vogue really need me, they so do....

Apart from an escape from the endless domestic drudgery that is my life  actually doing anything useful around the house, the Pinpinthing has introduced me to yet more fashion blogs, including Seersucker and Saddles    and Happily Grey

Seersuckers and Saddles - isn't she just the cutest?
Happily Grey  - those jeans are polka dot AND velvet, adorables dahlings!

You can check out my Pinterest here, it might help if you are having trouble sleeping!!

However, I have noticed a few unwelcome developments due to my Pinterest phase:

First, though I started well, behaving myself and writing perky little captions as to why I liked a particular outfit or notes to remind me to try certain combinations,  soon the REAL ME started creeping in and being a bit sarky - about  an all cream outfit I found myself writing, "Keep away from boys encrusted in Nutella"; to a doubled up shirt combo I appended: "2 shirts to increase the ironing."  It is only a matter of time before I start up with "knickers a good idea with micro mini" or " avoid bobble hat with stripey top unless you want to channel "Where's Wally"."

From the Where's Wally books
keep away from small boys encrusted with Nutella
From; not a good outfit for jam making

Secondly,  all these images have completely scrambled my brain and any personal style I ever had is shot;  I am currently wearing 2 shirts (one gingham, one denim), 3 pearl necklaces, spotty trousers, a stripey sailor top, a denim waistcoat, a combat jacket, one brown boot, one Converse All Star and a woolly leopard hat....I am scaring not only my children but myself (when I pass a mirror) and with Guy Fawkes night coming up...

Third, I couldn't resist putting all the crazed bushbaby outfits on my Pinpinthing, so removing any remaining doubt as to my sanity.

And worst of all, I have come to the totally predictable and deeply depressing conclusion that if you are young and beautiful, with amazing hair and glowing skin and endless legs,  you will look fab in most things, whereas, if you are Mrs Blighty, almost 50, no matter what sartorial trickery you pull, you will still look 50,  tired and worn and a bit frayed round the edges.....and adding polka dots and leopard print will just make you look tired, worn etc and slightly deranged...  but what the heck, I'm doing it anyway!

So watch out for my next Pinterest caption which will probably read, " Yeah, whatever, you're beautiful and blonde, with great skin, you look fab in dirty denim with tattered jeans and a baseball hat,  I would just look like a homeless person.."   At which point I will probably be barred from Pinterest on the grounds that bitter and twisted has no place there...

On the Street……Blue Denim, NYC
See what I mean? Young and beautiful...
From The Sartorialist

*actually, in one caption  I went with "black with brown" which of course is completely different.


  1. oh my...I want those polka dot's great to find new hobbies!!

  2. I would look like a badly sewn child's toy in those polka dot pants. But they are lovely. Inside my head I can wear them. Pity 'inside my head' isn't 'outside on my body'.

    Ali x

  3. Oh Blighty! Your post has come a the right time for me. My name is Sally and I am a Pinterest addict. There. I said it.

    I look at the various style blogs/pins and think "what a good idea" then think I'm not sure that looks good on me.

    I just bought a cheetah (not leopard) print coat but can't decide if Small Northern Town is ready for it yet...further, whether I look faaabulous or like a Blackpool Landlady.

    It's hard work being a Fashionista!

    1. Sally how interesting - I just bought a leopard coat at reduced price from Asos and have the same fears - Bucks is not ready for this/Blackpool Landlady there a helpline for people like us? But I say go out and rock your cheetah print, just pretend you are Anna della Russo.

    2. She's bonkers isn't she? (ADR)...oh yes, I see your point.

      Mine was from an exclusive boutique ( I believe it is called Ma T'alan or something. I think it's French. Yes that's it. French). I think it probably is leopard. Zoology was never my strong point.

  4. Nice article, thanks for the information.

  5. Now you have pointed that out I can't get image of teddy bear in brown dotty fabric out of my head; I too look fab inside my head yet my nearest and dearest refuse to walk near me and ask what I am wearing...soooo tragic; the other day I tried camo trousers and boy 1 asked if I was planning to play Call of Duty..

  6. Hilarious! I am the only person left in the world not pinning with interest. I cannot work it out. I know i would like it but cannot find a good opportunity to really put my head down and figure out how to do it. All my social media dabbling is done in brief snatches of time with a whining child attached to me. Damn and blast. Also, excellent advice re jam making ensemble. Duly noted.

  7. I only pin house pics on Pinterest. It's a good resource for upcoming renovations. You're right though, the fashion ones can look quite bizarre. My pet hate on Pinterest are the images with the captions reading things like "Best house cleaning tips ever!!! One Pinner just commented "the peanut butter trick changed my life!!!!!" Pin NOW - you'll regret it if you don't!!!!!!!!!". Overuse of exclamation marks not exaggerated.

  8. I always get excited when I see that you have posted Blighty. You make me laugh like buggery. I also can't work out how to pin - but I sure do love looking at other peoples! Thank god I'm not the only one who thinks she looks great in her own head!

  9. Hi, Blighty, you do know that your satsumas are out there for the whole drooling mac brigade, in that 1st pic, don't you ? Anyway, I totally agree with the "Yeah, whatever, you're young ..." but don't worry, there'll come a day when they look just like us !!x

  10. Cute Satsumas..... I'm still 20 in my head, so all mirrors have been removed to allw me to indulge my delusions.

  11. Blighty that's the whole point of pinterest. It lets us pretend that a) we are supermodels b) we are currently decorating our mansion & 3) we are cordon bleu cooks!

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