Thursday 10 May 2012

Problem Skincare

Dahlings, how do you like my title for this post?  Does it remind you of those signs on roundabouts advertising a "HUGE CARPET SALE"?  Mr B, ever the parliamentary draftsman, always points out the ambiguity of that phrase.  What can I say, Mr B and I have a very exciting relationship..

Right, enough of me being a smartarse. As if.

Anway, I felt the urgent need to share with you all my latest obsession: improvement of the Blighty skin.  Also I have been discussing this issue with another Daphne4Boyz mother, who is equally obsessed. (Skincare, bringing people together). The Other Mother is lovely, a very beautiful lady, tall, lovely figure; very bright, is a barrister, teaches trainee lawyers, and also speaks fluent Hindu and Gujarati as she grew up in India. In fact, I should hate her, she's so flipping great but she laughs at my jokes ...There is in fact nothing wrong with her skin, but like me she loves researching a project.  So we have been emailing each other furiously, throwing words like "glycolic" and "lactic acid" and "AHAs" around.

And this brings me to the first problem with skincare: the names of the stuff.  I can hardly remember them, some I can't pronounce, and some I can't spell either.

For example :

salycylic - sallycynic
glycolic - sounds as if you are being throttled
hyaluronic - this one gets me every time, cannot get this right - have been saying hydroponic but I think that's how they grow tomatoes?  Or hiya Lauren and Nic?  So I fall back on hyawhatsit and pretend I am too au fait with the whole thing to bother with the precise names but I'm fooling no one..
sebum - do not pronounce in pantomine French accent as "zeee bum" and point at your posterior while so doing, if you want to be taken seriously in the cosmoceutical world..

Sooooo, the other day Model Recommends mentioned a brand called Etat Pur.

This seemed like fate,  I took the plunge and yesterday these arrived for me*.

And this brings me to the second skincare problem: what the heck am I supposed to do with all this?  The research was fun, but now I have the stuff, all the enthusiasm is gone.  I found something on the internet which explains in great detail the order in which one should apply all this gloop; I vaguely recall  rules about which bits of law take precedence over the other - EU law over English law...  but those legal rules are laughably easy compared to the order of acids, serums, moisturisers and sunscreens; and within acids there is apparently another order of precedence...what if I put something on in the wrong order, will the aggrieved serum sue in the High Court?

And another thing....these acids from Etat Pur are named after roads. Is that a good sign?

A8 - the Edinburgh to Glasgow
A20 - London to Dover
A21 - Sevenoaks to Tunbridge Wells

One of the things these products are supposed to do is clear congestion - but have you seen the traffic on the A20?

I suppose I have to excuse the names on the basis that the company is French; but doesn't Etat Pur translate as "Complete State"?  Is that a good name for a skincare brand I ask?

Final problem: in the steamy bathroom first thing, my poor middle- aged, longsighted eyes cannot make out which potion is which...

I have cunningly tried grouping the green ones separately but to be honest, and without being overly dramatic, WE ARE ON A KNIFE EDGE HERE PEOPLE**

All joking aside though, I must say, first, Etat Pur were very efficient at delivering; secondly, the prices are very reasonable, thirdly ,and this may be a case of Emperor's New Clothes, my skin felt very smooth this morning after last night's application and some lumpy bumps have gone (no Mr B, not my chest, very funny).

So there you have it. Mrs B being silly about skincare.
But remember: skincare is no laughing matter.  Why?

Because if you laugh, you will get laughter lines ..

Stay tuned for more Blighty on skincare - there is a brand called Bravura which looks good;  also I have just discovered the horrors of sodium lauryl sulfate and other foaming agents  in face washes and shampoos so am on the hunt for SLS free products....oooh, goody, another project...

*What I got from Etat Pur-
Salicylic Acid 70 - A21
Salicylic Acid 300 - A22
Zinc Gluconate - A20
Apigenin - A08
Allantoin - A47
Citric Acid - AHA A60
ooh, should I get myself a white lab coat, I feel very scientific?

**phrase shamelessly stolen from Faux Fuchsia


  1. Dear Blighty, it's been a pleasure to read several posts in a row lately, thank you! I would like to recommend something to you - Spiezia Organics facial cleanser. It's a wonderful balm that you apply then take off with a hot cloth (like you do with Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish, also fab). It's supposed to be a little like the Eve Lom balm, but cheaper and organic. I haven't tried anything else from the range, but the cleanser is super.

  2. Blighty, you are so good to put yourself out in the name of skincare.

    I like the "Sallycynic" bit; it reminds me of someone (know what I mean). She can also be a bit acidic too...but never to you.

    Oh you make me laugh so a good way.

    1. Sally I am quite frankly exhausted by my new skincare regime..glad you liked Sallycynic - it's very much sought after!

  3. Dear Patricia, thank you so much for this recommendation, I am indeed in the market for a cleanser and this one sounds just the thing, I am off to look it up now!

    1. I can agree with Patricia on the Liz Earle thing but I've never tried Spezia.

    2. You're welcome Blighty. I haven't bought it for a while as I'm back in Canada and it gets expensive what with the shipping and also if Customs gets you. However, I've asked a friend to send it to me for my birthday.
      Sally - I love Liz Earle, but the shipping to here is stupid!

  4. All joking aside, applying acids in the wrong order is no laughing matter at all!! May I ask the reason for two different Salicylic Acids? Are they different strength?

    I guess I'm going to have to read up on the brand. The French normally seem to know what they're doing when it comes to skincare but this all seems a little....erm, odd!

    1. Oh dear, this line has really rattled my cage! They sell 39 individual pure Actives but it's taken me half an hour to find somewhere on their site that says that you shouldn't apply more than two actives to one area and that preferably you should alternate morning and evening. Unless the buying system is vetted, I can see people buying and using too many at once and sending the skin crazy.

      Do you plan to use the two different Salicylic Acid Actives on different areas of the face? If not, I suspect there will be redundancy and you could just use one instead.

      Anyway, I better shut up now before I make myself universally unpopular! I'll put my labcoat back in the box now ;)

  5. Wah - six lotions? And then - what? - serum, moisturiser? Never mind - your skin is already Liz & Shane perfect - you will now be even more glowing! I quite fancy one of those whizzy clarisonic thingies - keep looking at one in John Lewis. I think its because its pink ;)

    Keep up the R&D - your findings eagerly awaited! xxx

    1. Oh Mrs E, yes me too - i was ogling a pink Clarasonic just last week in SpaceNK in good old Beaconsfield, do you think they are good? Worried they will bring me out in spots! yep, my new skin care regime is ridiculous..

  6. I do the same thing, get all this lovely stuff and then can't be bothered! All that lovely Chanel from my daughter is wasted on me! Her father loves it though. hmmm....

    1. I think I can just about slap a bit on at night, but in the morning rush no chance really..not if I want to get out of the house before midday

  7. oh i hate complicated skincare. most people will quit it after a week or two. i am a proponent of simple. simple is best, esp for skincare. God, i sound old. (haha i Am!)


    1. Janet, you are so right. Janet, I need your advice on a good shampoo and face wash without the evil sodium sulfate!

  8. Dear Modesty, thank you so much for these comments, very helpful indeed particularly the warning not to go whacking all this stuff on my face all at once; there was nothing in the bits of paper sent with the stuff warning this, I agree they need to make this clearer; I bought the 2 Salicylics because one is stronger than the other - one I intend to use on larger areas where I have black heads, congested pores; the other just on any really nasty big red spots. But you provide a welcome reminder - treat your skin carefully and don't do too much to it; less is more! I'm going to hop over to your blog and look in your archives to see what skin care you recommend, I seem to recall you did an really good post on this a while ago; let me know what other bloggers are good on skin care - Beauty Mouth I know, who else? Bxx

    1. Your reasoning for the 2 Salicylic Acids sounds good. I did spy something on their site that also said to leave a 3 day gap between uses of the Citric Acid. It all seems so complicated. I think you need to put special stickers on them (red for the Citric Acid maybe) to avoid any accidental bleary eyed confusion at night!

      I'll be interested to hear more about Etat Pur as you go on with it. May I ask if they have use by dates on the Actives? I'm glad the past skincare posts were useful. London MakeUp Girl is also excellent for skincare and I know you already read Beauty Mouth. I'm sure more will come to me overnight :)

  9. Dear Mrs Blighty, I love a colour coordinated set of potions promising youth, beauty and increased appeal! I left the UK with a fabulous haul which still gives me pleasure when I bung it all on. I quite like the Sunday afternoon when offspring are elsewhere and husband is snoring on couch when I can apply all manner of products, enjoying all the scents as I go. I bought a Clarisonic Mia and love it. I hope you enjoy your lovely products. love Lindaxxx

  10. Dear Linda, YOUHAVEACLARASONIC!! HOW EXCITING! that does it, I definitely NEEED one now...xx

  11. Just one question, Blighty, today is the 11th, have you given up on your little routine already ? Because I've never noticed that here in France, people had better skins than in other countries ... pure state or no pure state !! When I take the A20, I want to actually arrive in Dover !! XX

    1. Dear Silver B, I am still going with the routine but evenings only, otherwise no hope of ever getting out of the house...I think the key is that everything including "spot" "blackhead" and "greasy skin" sounds so much better in French...

  12. I am obsessed with skincare too Blighty! I've been using Liz Earle cleanser (the one you use with a cloth) and her toner, which are both lovely. I've always used Clarins, but have just this week started using products from Paula's Choice. I found her website where she reviews loads of products and couldn't stop reading! So far, I'm liking the serums and moisturisers, plus the exfoliant. You can find thousands of her reviews at And I've heard really good things about the Clarisonic too, so was wondering whether to get one...although the price is putting me off...

    Have fun with the creams!

    Melusine x

    PS: I'm rereading a book I think you'd like (apologies if you've already read it), which is 'To War With Whitaker', about a woman who followed her husband when he was posted to the Middle East during the second world war and vowed to stay there until they were reunited when he was taken prisoner. She ended up as the highest-ranked woman employed out there and had lots of interesting adventures!

  13. Dear Melusine, I like Paula's Choice too! Still undecided on the Clarisonic, looked at reviews on Make Up Alley and was put off by the negative reviews (which to be fair were outnumbered by the good reviews). Thanks for the book recommendation, sounds great xx

  14. I think these look fab! But I can't be doing with complicated things that need lots of bottles. At the moment I am slapping on a light layer of Almond Oil (bought originally for Ear Troubles) and once that's soaked in, a quick rub with the Palmers Cocoa Butter cream. <- a must-have product if a loved-one has eczema btw.

    I am on a Mission From God to use up all the skin care stuff in the bathroom cubpoard before I buy anything new. I shall keep you posted as to whether I develop boils.

    But seriously - is any skin care thing REALLY any better than any other? Is it not down to one;s genes, diet and environment? *confused face*

    Along with Mesuline - I have used Liz Earle stuff (mother buys all gifts from QVC) and it is really lovely to use and smells wonderful. I recommend it - but only because of the smell and overall niceness - not sure whether it 'works' any better than anything you could buy out of semi-chem.

    Ali x

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