Saturday 5 May 2012

Blighty Does Coloured Jeans

Hello Dahlings!  How are we all?

Well, you know how I don't like to be left out.  So the other day, when my first and biggest blogcrush, Ms Faux Fuchsia mentioned her new pink jeans and asked what we were styling ours up with, I felt duty bound to Get In On The Act.

I mean, it's all very well talking about coloured jeans when you are tall and blonde and beautiful; but we also need this crucial fashion trend treated from the perspective of a small marsupial with little stumpy legs and a round tummy... deranged middle aged mother..

Here are my newish bluebell blue jeans, in the sale from old Toppers.

I plan on pairing them with this new, also in the sale from old Toppers, top.

I like a top that screams PMT purchase..

I also love a photo that says can't be bothered with camera settings and other techy stuff..

Excitingly, the bluebell jeans also go with my beloved very old Brora cashmere, in the days when you could just about get something from Brora without approaching the IMF first..
 I don't wear this jumper as often as I should, considering how much I love it.  Do you do this?  This saving things for best malarkey, which is CRAZY, really we should wear and wear our nicest clothes - and not settle for the ok but not that special ones ...

I can also style my jeans up/back/off/ under/with * this gingham number - I like a top that says "Howdy, I am your waitress for the evening at Big Hal's All You Can Eat Country Bar - Be - Queue"

Oh look, another pair of reduced Toppers jeans, in dodgy pink stripy material and with the sale sticker still attached...dead classy me..

 This polka dot number can go with my red jeans - I like an outfit that says "I too can present a children's TV programme, have you seen what I can do with a balloon?"

And this lacy knitted nylon number from H&M - in theory horrid, in practice actually very flattering..

Final unique styling tips

For that Edgy Look accessorise your coloured jeans with:

  • sulky pre-teen boy with scowl and small brother in arm-lock
  • light coating of Nutella chocolate spread on right thigh
  • flowery apron and slippers
  • ankle bulge formed by yesterday's sock trapped inside trouser leg
Right. I'm off for a lie down and a rich tea biscuit.  Being a fashion icon is just exhausting.


  1. Blighty, I can only emulate, never duplicate you.

    1. Hiya Debs, how are you? hope all is well - now popping over to yours..

    2. Thanks for the visit. I'm pretty sure the room will be white but no clouds are in my future!

  2. Oh what lovely things - those jolly jeans are really going to suit you. And I love that H&M top - is it still in the shops?

    I know what you mean about keeping things for best, but most days I end up covered in mud and dog hair - SO muddy just now! - and I have to change more times a day than the royals at Sandringham. It all ends up in the boil wash :)

    That Brora sweater is just wonderful! xxx

  3. Hiya, Mrs E, I am very busy on the boil wash today - cricket gear, mud and grass stains...I will be in touchxxx

  4. Hiya Mrs E - blogger just ate my reply to you...grrr! nothing much, just me going on about grass stains on cricket whites...

  5. Your stylings are fabulous Blighty. I took one look at the coloured jeans trend and ran off. I can't even do normal jeans without tears! I did almost have an accident at the children's TV presenter comment. Pui is coming after you wardrobe!

    1. Dear Modesty I am always thrilled to get a comment from you cos you is a proper grown up beauty blogger, totally at home with all those lovely niche brands with confusing names I can't remember - I am having a skincare phase right now, will blog about it soon.. xx

  6. I luff coloured jeans- good enough for Kate and Pips good enough for us!!!

    Meanwhile the Fuchsiadome is being destroyed in increments by my baby. Lucky for him I love him- I wouldn't tolerate this from anyone else x

    1. Baby FF is Totally Gorgeous, won't hear a word against him - just buy a new house..xx

  7. Saving things for best is a family (well, actually my wife's pastime). We have a pantry full of canned peaches which we can't eat because we are saving them for best. Best what? If not for me, then who?
    Sorry, getting a bit emotional here.

    1. Wally that reminds me of that dreadful old joke about dying man who tells his son he wants one last taste of Mama's apple pie before he dies; son comes back :"Mama says the apple pie is for after the funeral.."

  8. love your colored jeans blighty. love that lace top too! i have not gotten any colored jeans but i'd love, love a red pair.


    ps - i have a nasty commenter on my blog and i was able to track him to manchester endland!

    1. Janet, get his address and I will go round and sort him out, the cowardly toad; so sorry you have to put up with this type of nonsense xx

  9. Fun post - got to get me some coloured jeans pronto.
    Keeping things for best - my husband has been known to keep new shirts (gifted in hope by loving family) for 2-3 YEARS, in case Best Day comes. We think he is letting them die slowly before wearing!

  10. I have not got coloured jeans, but since you and FF are blog-crushes of mine, I'll have to follow suit! I rather fancy myself in Blackpool Rock pink jeans. *fondly thinks back to 'Grease'*

    Re your sock up the trouser leg. I once went to the Edinburgh Festival and blithely walked past the entire length of the box office queue (a fair old length) with a pair of tights dragging behind me out of the leg of my jeans, like the Elephant Man in American Tan *the shame*

    Ali x

    1. Ali, were we separated at birth I wonder?..I have in my time walked the lenght of a (male) hospital ward with my skirt tucked into the back of my pants...

  11. Never. Ever. Stop. Blogging ! Oh, and I've done the ankle bulge too! In BOTH legs!(well, sometimes you've got to get to work pretty quickly, haven't you ?). Only I'd never met anybody who admitted it !

    1. Dear Silver Bunny, thank you for your nice comment; wardrobe malfunctions are a Way of Life at Blighty HQ xx

  12. Dear Mrs Blighty, I love the styling notes, particularly the one requiring a sock to be caught in the trouser leg. My husband tells me of a friend dragged to see the bank manager early one morning in relation to a mortgage application. Possibly a little worse for wear, he suddenly notices a pair of undies near his feet as he and his wife are sitting opposite the bank chappie. He fishes them up and makes some arch comment to the quite mystified manager about the goings on in the bank after hours. As soon as they leave the appointment, the wife hits her husband with her handbag, telling him they were his bloody undies and she bloody hoped they weren't ones that still had his nametag on them from his boarding school days. I haven't spied a pair of coloured jeans here - it is all sober sensible tones here (sadly). love Lindaxxx

  13. Linda, loved this story, fantastic! and made Mr B laugh too over breakfast, a rare thing xx

  14. Linda's story made me laugh out loud!! We have colored jeans here and they look awful on me. I have graduated to white, however, so I feel a little fashiony.

    I want that blue blouse with the white polka-dots! Mine! Mine!!

    1. Hi Maggie, where you been? You stopped blogging for a while, glad to see you back

  15. Is there no end to your blogging advice talents? Make-up, fashion and perhaps skincare. Oi Vey!

    1. Well Sally funny you should ask - I am planning a skincare post really soon, as I am in the throes of another Skincare Phase and have just today taken delivery of some new products...

    2. Oh, I knew. I read it in one of your replies above. See, that's the lawyer in me...picking up the detail (for once! Ha Ha).

  16. Blighty I keep everything "for good" it's ridiculous, I'm trying to focus on buying more wearable every day clothes now. Oh I have the Brora scarf which matches that jumper,

    1. Yay EVerybody how exciting - I am practically the beautiful Tabitha's twin, we have the same cashmere (tears of joy running down face..)

      er sorry, got a bit carried away - I mean, ya, ok, Tabs, that's cool, whatever..


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