Friday 9 March 2012

Sophie's Choice and McBride's A Gory Ride

Dahlings, first, housekeeping: I seem to be in an emotionally abusive relationship with Blogger, it raises my hopes by offering me the chance to respond to your comments individually and sometimes even lets me; at other times it cruelly withholds and doesn't let me.  Very upsetting.  I just wanted to let you know, I really appreciate all your comments and am very flattered that you take the time and trouble.

Now, books. I wanted to tell you about an author whose books I have been greedily gollopping* down: Sophie Hannah. Ms Hannah writes psychological thrillers which I find compelling. They are based in and around a fictional town Spilling near Cambridge (UK) and each feature Spilling CID, in particular the rather odd detective Simon Waterhouse, his grumpy boss Proust, and a feisty woman detective Charlie Zailer.  Have you read these?  If not and if you like twisty, slightly nasty thrillers with some police procedural, then you are in for a treat.  They are the kind of books I am sad to finish, it is so enjoyable having one on the go.

Mr Blighty has also taken to the works of Sophie H and being Mr B, has read them all in the right order, whereas I have read them haphazardly depending on what I find in the local library.  Normally I would not mind, but as Mr B has gone all sequential, I feel slightly hard done by.. What about you guys?  Do you read series of books in the correct order? Is this exclusively a male trait? Or a Mr B trait?

Once I had finished the works of Sophie Hannah,  I felt quite bereft so picked up Stuart MacBride's "Birthdays for the Dead". I have read his detective series set in Aberdeen and like the grittiness and sense of humour. "Birthdays" is not for the over-sensitive, the crimes described are horrid but if you can keep that at arm's length, the plot is great and the pace cracking, and there is the same black humour. The main character reminded me of the lead in Tony Black's novels which I talked about here: both characters do a lot of punching other people, but all in a good cause...

When I mentioned to the lady librarians recently my love for the gruesome works of Ms Hannah, Mr MacBride, SJ Bolton and others, they countered that they liked nice, happy books; they then conceded that some really nice people did like horrible books;  they eyed me speculatively as if assessing whether I fell into that category, but apparently the jury is still out on that one**...

I am quite puzzled to be honest about my ability to enjoy really quite unpleasant books, as I am a total wuss when it comes to scary films (did not sleep a wink after seeing Psycho and refused to shower for weeks; would never trust anyone called Freddie Kruger ...). I also can't bear to read horrid news reports. Maybe I can cope with the books as they are not as vivid and immediate as films, also, because I know they are fiction and the authors leaven the fare with humour and by keeping certain characters (murder victims) as cyphers rather than fleshing out their characters ...

Well enough of my homemade literary analysis.  Have just heard a brand new Sophie Hannah is waiting for me at the library...(hotfoots it to library)

What books are you chaps enjoying at the moment? Please tell, love getting book tips!

*probs not a real word but I live dangerously
**note to self: pay fines on time, grovel more and contribute generously to the librarians' Christmas party fund


  1. I must concur with Mr B, I have to read the books in the right order. I'm sure it's my only obsessive compulsive trait. I like a bit of dark fiction myself, fiction being the operative word.

    1. Debs, you have hit the nail on the head there - it has to be fiction and escapist

  2. Er - I'm sort of with Mr B. Like to read series of books in the 'right' order. But because I tend to frequent charity shops rather than libraries or 'proper' bookshops, I often find new authors between titles, as it were. I loved Sophie Hannah's Little Face and am looking out for her other books. As for dark fiction - I won't read 'slasher' style stuff but love a good crime thriller.

    1. Hi Elegance, wasn't Little Face good? creepy! Alice reappears in a later book..

  3. I'm with Mr B too I'm afraid. The library is a brilliant way of finding new authors, but once discovered, I do like to read their books in order.

    I am a big fan of Susanna Gregory's Matthew Bartholomew medieval murder mysteries, which are set in 14th Century Cambridge. They are an easy read, but great fun.

    I haven't read any Sophie Hannah, but they sound good, so I'll give them a go. Great post, I love swapping book recommendations!

    1. Hi Annie, I must check out the Susanna Gregory books you mention sound good!

  4. Blighty,

    You and I share similar tastes in books. Have just finished Sophie Hannah's latest - Kind of Cruel - its brilliant! - very Minette Walters or even Barbara Vine. With three children, I can no longer stay up all night, so compulsively read it in between pick-ups, drop-offs and waiting for all the frozen things to cook in the oven.

    1. Hi MsBris - I do the same sneak reading in between mummy duties! keeps me sane (ish)

  5. You are to blame! I am on holidays in Paris, from Melbourne Australia, but I am obsessively looking for opportunities to stick my nose in my kindle and read Sophie Hannah mysteries. I think I am on the last remaining story, - oh yes, and I've read them in any old order which makes it quite interesting seeing the relationship of Charlie and Simon jumping all over the place.

  6. I really enjoy you blog, and normally check in here first before I start on my next book, we have very similar taste in the gruesome fiction. "Birthdays for the Dead" was also reviewed a couple of weeks ago by Elaine on The Book Report, which is another one of my favorite review spots.


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