Thursday 16 February 2012

My Love For Mr B

Valentine's Flowers from Mr B

This post was meant for Valentine's Day but every time I went to the computer yesterday there was a small boy attached to it, must contact the Computer Help Desk about this..*

Dahlings, I think we have known each other long enough for me to open up to you  about my innermost feelings and emotions. Normally I am very private person ....(falls off chair laughing).

I would like to share with you my love for Mr B.

For yes, I love him, he is adorable.
And let me count the reasons why:

I love his blue blue eyes
I love his Northern roots and the way he says "sing-ging"
I love his sense of humour
I love that he is losing his hair just a little bit
I love his terrible dancing
I love his voice
I love his skill with words and composition
I love that he has won a number of Ivor Novello awards for his song writing
I love that he is a multi-millionaire performer, recording artist and record producer....


Oh, you thought I was talking about Mr Blighty?  Noooooo.

I am rambling about Mr Gary Barlow, lead singer of Take That, former X factor judge and national treasure in the making..

I missed the whole Take That phenomenon first time round but now I am in just the demographic for Gary and the boys Take That Two.  There are loads of  middle aged ladies very partial to Gary and the boys, many of them will have been fans first time round  - there is a tremendous amount of goodwill for the band.   I had a lovely chat with one of the older lady librarians the other day and she had been to see Take That in concert last summer.

My nearest and dearest find my crush on Gary hilarious but really Mr B (my Mr B) only has himself to blame as he gave me this for Christmas, which I found fascinating.

Product Details

And then I read this. Also very interesting.  And funny. 

And Mr B got me these too.

Mr B (my Mr B) also tried to get me tickets for a charity concert Gary did in the Albert Hall just before Christmas but it was all sold out (drat those librarians....)

Boys 1 and 2 find Gary and his sing-ging totally uncool so I have the added benefit of being able to threaten to play Gary in the car if they misbehave  - "Nooooo, Mummy, please not Gary....nooooo!"
Also the risk of humiliation if their school mates hear Gary blaring out of the car at drop off  "Want you back, want chu back, want chu back for good .."

I leave you with Mr B (the other Mr B) doing some dance moves at the Albert Hall concert..he is not afraid to make fun of himself and his boy band days..

*Computer Help Desk have just got in touch - they recommend a Taser.


  1. i have never heard of this bloke. how's my english?! i'll get right on it though and yes, tasers are a good thing.

    1. Hiya Janet, liking the use of "bloke"; Gary went solo at the same time as Robbie Williams but did not have the same success and ended up being dropped by his record label - in his book he describes how suddenly no one would take his calls and how he spent a couple of years in the career wilderness - in fact he moved to the States as he could not get work in the UK; nice to see him back in favour

  2. Gary has better taste in flowers than I'd expect! If you can get control of the computer, you need to get over to Channel 4 and watch Star Stories, Series 2, Episode 1 'Take That' - it is BRILLIANT! Possibly not suitable for Boys 1 & 2. Enjoy! And e-mail me! xxx

  3. Dear Mrs E, this is top class Intel, thank you, will check out Star Stories! I will email you once the horror of half term is over!! Looking forward to meeting you in Real Lifexx

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dear Mrs Blighty, I am having technical issues - possibly a taser may assist me resolve them! By the way, what excellent and highly practical advice you receive from your Helpdesk - we simply grow old waiting only to be told we are still in a queue. But to the matter at hand - the heart wants what it wants... Does this means that Daniel Craig is all mine now? I was amused to read that the other Mr B's music was being used as an Instrument To Promite Social Norms in Conveyances but I would not be sharing this with him as it may negatively impact the continued delivery of romantic blooms! love Lindaxxx

    1. Linda, my Mr B very impressed with the Instrument To Promote Social Norms in Conveyances phrase - expect to see it appearing in an Act of Parliament near you very soon. OK, you can have Daniel but be gentle with him and make sure he uses his Athlete's Foot cream.

  6. Taser now no use on account of him acquiring super powers. I'm writing this with my big toe, as I am hog tied to the desk.
    Lovely flowers. Wish I had thought of that.

  7. I have never heard of the other Mr. to goggle him. He sounds like a lovely man...and handsome, too.

    Adore those pink flowers!

    1. Hands off Adrienne, he's mine, all mine I tell you!

  8. I'm afraid I've never heard of these blokes either. Glad the Help Desk is so helpful re tasers. I'd like one for the Mr.

    1. Debs it is to your credit that you have not heard of these blokes, your mind is obviously on higher things. Have popped taser in the post, be sure to charge it fully before use xx

  9. I am reeeeeeling - you guys have never heard of Take That?! The 80s boy band that conquered the world?! Robbie Williams was one of them...please tell me you've heard of Robbo?!

    I found myself strangely attracted to the slight weedy one, but then it turned out he was a total love rat. Gary Barlow is not a love rat. He is luffly.

    If the Tazer fails, offer them a jaunt to Games Workshop. Take your wallet and your pension fund. You'll need em.

    Ali x

    I share your interest in THIS Mr B, Blighty

  10. Ali, thank goodness you have heard of that Mr B, I was beginning to think I had imagined him as part of mid-life crisis. Don't mention the Games Workshop, we have been there twice this week - very expensive, wallet and pension fund depleted. And what is a Tyrannid?


My post is all Norma No Mates, cheer her up by commenting!