Monday 27 June 2011

Rain, Sun, Tudors, Teddies

Recently it's been doing a lot of this.

So I bought one of these.

Cagoule from New Look

If I had to choose an item of clothing to sum up my character, this would have to be it - leopard - desire to be adventurous, a bit flighty, glamorous; cagoule - basically sensible, cautious, practical.

Dahlings, what item of clothing would you choose to illustrate your character??

Immediately after the raincoat purchase it has started doing this.

And I have been doing lots of this (like mad 50s housewife).

Now it has hit about 80F I have reluctantly removed my cagoule.  But it's ok, I  can now wear these.

Cheap as chips from New Look teen girls section and extravagant, compulsive Mrs B in evidence

I like them as not too high and super comfy (practical Mrs B to the fore)

In other news we are rocketing towards the end of the Daphnes4Boy$ summer term - just 2 weeks left and then 8 weeks hols.   A lot gets packed into these last few days -

cricket party,
charity wear the colours of the Libyan flag day ( Mrs B got a bit worked up about this until Mr B explained it was the rebel flag colours, we were not subbing Gaddafi)
Boy 2 history trip
Boy 1 trip to Tudor theme park in his Tudor costume
Boy 2 art outdoors trip
Boys 1 and 2 Swim Galas
Lunch at school for mummies to see what lunch is like for their little darlings ( "But Headmaster, surely you don't give them a Bordeaux with the Poulet au Dettol?")
Boy 2 Open Afternoon ( "oh poppet, you have another 23 exercise books for me to look through, how lovely!" (thinks: where is my hip flask when I really need it.")
Boy 2 residential trip away (expect tears and sobbing from Mrs B - "No Mr B, I have not lost my credit card, I am actually missing the little boggler..."
Speech Day (note to self: stay awake, and do not fantasise about suddenly shouting out "ARSE!" in a lull)
Parents Party
Boys Party.........

The Tudors were big purchasers of Ford motor cars

Meanwhile Boy 2 has been getting in touch with his caring, feminine side, which is quite frankly a shock as his other hobby is bashing stuff. 


  1. Ha the British summer is so unpredictable my "layers" are on and off more times than those of a footballers, make that the roof at Wimbledon. There. A little more polite, no?

  2. School holidays already? My, time flies when you're having fun.
    I like how Boy 2 put you in a drawer.

  3. I'm terribly confused by the 30 degree days with rain. What am I supposed to wear for that.

  4. We are having odd weather here in California's 85 degrees today and tomorrow it's supposed to drop 25 degrees and rain all day! I just put all of my rain gear away for summer.
    I like the teen shoes...I wish I could find some like that. All I ever see are 3 and 4" wedges which are too high and impractical for me. Good job getting them in every color.

  5. To answer the Home Work question for the week, I'd have to say the item of clothing that best represents my character is a cropped 3/4 sleeve black cotton cardigan- practical, doesn't show dirt, easy to clean yet can be stylish too in a pinch.
    I wish I could wear cute shoes like your espadrilles, but my poor feet would never fit....

  6. A friend once said if i was any more laid back I would be a carpet. As I get walked all over by the wife and son (aka terrorist in training), I'd have to concur.

  7. Dear Mrs Blighty, Luckily for us Australians, the weather was one pressing reason why many British persons decided to found an empire in foreign warmer climes. I did not know what a cagoule was but given that it is currently pelting down think I need one too. Often after visiting your blog I tell myself I need more leopard in my life. The teddies are lovely but I half wondered whether you were going to show us again why Mr B thinks he is a lucky man. Mr LiC is not so fortunate as I am often to be found in flannel pyjamas and fluffy dressing gown. love Lindaxxx


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