Friday 24 December 2010

Do you like my satsumas?

Happy Christmas Dahlings!


  1. Happy Christmas to you, and to your satsumas Blighty!

  2. Happy Christmas Blighty! am looking forward to see a sequel, probably new lips and eyes? the satsumas look already very promising. Hope Mr. B's purse is bursting at the seams so he can meet your needs in 2011. ;-)

  3. I now need Depends. Merry Christmas!

  4. Faux Fuchsia's orange campaign is appearing in the oddest of places!
    Happy Christmas Blighty!

    Best wishes,

  5. Nothing says Christmas more than a couple of juicy Satsumas.

  6. Darhling do hope your satsumas particuarly delicate flesh is handled carefully :)

  7. They are HUGE, but they suit you Blighty! Merry Christmas to you and your family xx

  8. Hope you had a lovely day yesterday. I'm so bloated I can still barely move, it will be smocks and elasticated trews for a week

  9. Love your Satsumas Blighty - very fetching. Do hope you had a great Christmas and Mr B and the boys 1 and 2 enjoyed the cricket from Melbourne! X

  10. Dear Mrs Blighty, We always knew that Mr Blighty was a lucky man - we simply did not know all the ways that you continue to surprise and delight. I almost fell off my step-mum's office chair, laughing! I hope that you are putting your feet up and enjoying a glass of whatever you fancy (my Dad just gave me a glass of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc) and are surveying the havoc with some degree of equanimity. Was Santa good to you? I sincerely hope so. I have been saying whole rosaries for you to get your Rolex watch! By the way, don't you hate it when you have finally worked out what you are going to get your children that that particular thing has disappeared from the shelves. How to train your Dragon, the book, was sold out in Canberra - ughghgghgghh. Last minute Christmas shopping was so exhausting and frustrating particularly when I got home and realised I forgot to get something for my brother. In our family only Mummys are allowed to swear. "Darling, you have to be a Mummy to use this sort of language". Do you do this too? I need to know. love Linda xxx

  11. Hilarious! You clearly go topless when on your yacht with Wayne Shorn naughty Blighty! XXX

  12. Dear Mrs Blighty. Thanks for the posts in 2010. It's been kind of like FF, the sequel, like when Frasier left Cheers, except I'm not sure if Frasier come back, for guest appearances from time to time, like you kindly do in the comments on FF's blog. So nice of you to do that. Now that you're a superstar of the blogging firmament and all.


My post is all Norma No Mates, cheer her up by commenting!