Saturday 10 July 2010

I blame the Parents

We went to the school summer party last night, organised by the Parents Society, a powerful and ruthless organisation, equalled only by Venice's Council of Ten in the fear it instills into its subjects. I only had a couple of teeny glasses of champagne, so that wasn't the problem; no, it was the heat and the over-energetic dancing that did it. I hope to report on this in more detail later. Just as soon as I can piece together what happened. But now I must atone for my sins by attending Speech Day at the school ("And the prize for the number of people injured or forced off the dancefloor by extraordinary dance moves goes to....Mrs B...again"). Aspirin anyone?


  1. No, comment not eaten. Hubby and I chuckling over it now! I know that one note recorder piece oh too well! Hope you are feeling better soon, little possum/racoon thingy. A-M xx

  2. Ha! Ha! - takes me back - same kind of problems Blighty!! xx

  3. P.S. Blighty, you must twitter. It's the best! Tonight we are dissecting the hostess's fashion sense on 'Funniest Home Videos' A-M xx

  4. Love the possum's kimino.

    I don't know why you're not showing more excitment that I'll be visiting Old Blighty (the Country) shortly.

    I do hope I'll get to meet the possum. We should do lunch. You should come too.

  5. Dylan Thomas. Wow, that rings a bell. Year 11 English.

    'Rage, rage against the dying of the light.' (Do not go gentle into that good night)

    We also did John Donne in year 12.

  6. Hilarious, you go girl!!
    Can we expect to see 'dancing Blighty' on YouTube?!

  7. Love the application of petits pois for the head ache. Very chi chi! And no wonder the evening is a total blur- it sounds absolutely fabulous! I bet you had an awful lot of fun, if the head ache is anything to go by.

  8. Oh I how I sympathise, I wonder what the comments will be at the speech day.

  9. FF - I am chanelling The Glamourai who does these kimono type things called glamour wraps, so important to dress well even when you are a hungover bushbaby..
    Kitty Cat - yes, it has to be petit pois darling, never frozen peas
    Carly, you are super well educated, the only poetry I can remember cannot be recited in polite company - There was a bishop of Birmingham....


My post is all Norma No Mates, cheer her up by commenting!