Friday 25 June 2010

Hot Hot Hot!

Dear All, please forgive me if I post only sporadically for the next few days. Lovely B, Mr Blighty's cousin is staying. We are following a gruelling schedule: wine is being drunk, lunches out are being partaken of, shopping is featuring regularly, and much gossip and putting the world to rights is being done. I love Lovely B, I would marry her if I were not already married to Mr B, but she says I am not her type anyway.

Also the weather here is hot, very disconcerting and cannot for a moment be taken for granted, so we are putting in serious time on the terrace, drinking cool drinks, exclaiming about the heat and congratulating ourselves on having excellent quality shade.

Have a lovely weekend everybody!



  1. I like the starry bikini.
    How hot is it really? 35 degrees?
    I hate the heat but could do ok in an English summer.

  2. Forgot to tell you - someone googled 'faux fuschia blighty' and reached my blog!

  3. Sounds horrendous! Don't strain yourself.

  4. Does B not find small fluffy creatures with large plastic eyes attractive??? Shame!!!! Enjoy the warmth....bloody freezing here....hope to get up to FF country soon for major defrost.
    V chic kini by the a navy and white cossie

  5. Oh no- just commented and realised Mr Mouse must have been signed into his gmail and so you will have a comment about cossies etc from "Sean"....damn have blown Mr M's cover...

  6. Lovely bikini! Enjoy the heat while it lasts.


  7.'s a tough job but someone's got to do it, so it may as well be you...enjoy!

  8. You would not believe how many giggles you get out of my boys every time you post a picture of that thing. They reckon it's a wayward possum, lost up in the northern hemisphere. Oh I have so much catching up to do. Enjoy the heat! A-M xx

  9. Dear ladies, lovely to hear from you all, glad you like the possum bushbaby (that is actually what i look like you know); today bushbaby had a narrow escape, I caught Boy 1 and his mate about to flush it down the loo (it is boy 2's and therefore considered fair game by boy 1).
    Kylie, don't worry, Mr Mouse's secret is safe with me;
    Carly - it was supposed to be about 26 degrees today I think, anyway hot for us!

  10. Dear B

    That possum whatsy stuffed toy thingy has a better life than and Far More Superior Accessories than Me! Jealous. Have fun with your House Guest xxxx

  11. I hope furry blighty has some sunscreen on, would hate for her to get burnt! V jealous as it has been nothing but rain over here in Melbs although we have just had a fab sunset! I'll be more appreciative when it gets warmer and I have colour on my skin! XX

  12. Enjoy the weekend and the sun and the drinks too Blighty - love the star "bomb bikini" as my daughter used to call them when she was little.. still known by that name now though!

  13. Hello Blighty
    Have fun and enjoy the summer.

    Am insanely jealous.

    SSG xxx

    PS - condolences re World Cup at the hands of Germany.

  14. Hope the possum is drinking Gin.

  15. Dear SSG, we are not mentioning World Cup in our house as poor Boy 2 became distraught after first German goal (he was convinced Germans were off-side) and had to be taken home (we were with friends); he was all red and covered in tears, and kept shouting all the way home, "that ref needs his eyes tested"; hate to think what he would have done had he seen the second disallowed England goal.. all was better after application of ice cream and computer

  16. Dear FF, yes, neat. Possums do that. Bx

  17. Hi Blighty, I'm playing catch-up here.
    Bravo to the little munchkin, she certainly knows how to colour co-ordinate with the patio furniture.
    We have troublesome possums residing in our garage roof that I would happily help emigrate to yours if little munchkin is in need of some party animals... will even throw in a bottle of gin!

  18. Love reading your blog - a great fix when i've had a really bad 'moment' with the boys - so nice to know I'm not on my own!
    down and out in chiswick

  19. dearest blighty,

    thank you for making me smile (even when i don't feel like it) with your funny stories and comments on my blog. love, janet

  20. I linked to your blog through Slim Paley, am I ever glad I did, you're hilarious! I'll probably stay up all night reading all your previous posts.

  21. Dear Janet, thank you for your nice comment, hope you are well, don't be sad, you have a beautiful garden, I have a badly behaved garden full of weeds and a gravel drive with violas growing through it!!;
    Dear Ali, welcome, thank you so much for your compliment, very encouraging, if the rantings of a neurotic housewife can make people laugh, that must be good, well, that's my excuse!! isn't Slim fab? And her lovely house? OOOOH! Bx

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