Saturday 29 May 2010

Glamour at All Times

It is so important to make an effort to look glam, even when hard at work at your computer keyboard. This is a little outfit I just pulled together, I love the way the orange gives that "pop" of colour against the turquoise of my necklace.
Some people have commented that they don't think I really look like this. Well spotted! I admit I am wearing coloured contact lenses, my eyes are not really this Daniel Craigesque shade of blue.
Do you see what I have on my paws? Yes, the oh so hard to find Chanel Particuliere, and ever one to overdo things, I have also applied it to my face. Fab!
I think I'll go hang round TopShop Oxford Street now in the hope I'll get photographed by The Sartorialist. Just as soon as someone brings me a stepladder to get down from this chair.


  1. You sad act, why not get a life instead of dressing up a small furry bushbaby?

  2. Dear Mother, we have talked about this, I know you don't approve but I need to be allowed to explore my creative side.

  3. hahahaha, this is classic. Especially the Chanel Particuliere paws!!

    xx Polly (devoted FF fan, and longtime fan of your comments!!)

  4. Blighty, thank you for starting a blog. I am still laughing about your "visiting Mrs Whiplash" comment!

  5. Dear Polly and Anita, thank you for your lovely comments, my head swelleth

  6. Love the Outfit!!! The necklace and scarf are a Killer Combo. Keep it Up xxxx

  7. You look a bit nudey rudey on the bottom...maybe you could accessorise with some opaques and a Chloe Smock Frock....or even some undies???
    So glad you have joined the blogosphere...will be sharing you with all my mummy mates in Melbourne who share your inappropriate humour vis a vis parenting/housekeeping etc....(that's a compliment by the way)

  8. Kylie dahling, I am wearing a nude jumpsuit, combining 2 fashion trends, thus being Visionary and Challenging the Paradigm, FF style!

  9. Very visionary- jump suits are really the thing these days - but not for me about 5 foot....can you imagine ( that's me in a jump suit not the fact am 5 foot). And did you know your compatriot Winston Churchill did the jumpsuit....litte brown velvet ones....Visionary....

  10. 1) Loving the choice of Chanel "Particuliere"
    2) Anything remotely connected to Daniel Craig (even the mere mention of his name) is bound to catch my attention
    3)Orange is my favourite colour so you are batting 3 for 3 at this point
    4)I am also the mother of two boys, although a wee bit older than yours!
    5)I lived for a short time in Beaconsfield, Bucks... many years ago. Lovely place.

    I like your blog :)


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